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-The 5th generation was [unk] show. Can I say [unk] show? I have to look at my notes. That's how much of a [unk] show was. 3DO in '93, Atari Jaguar in '93, then finally the...
A viewer asks, "is high blood pressure hereditary?" Well, yes, it can be. Many things run in families, but also, lifestyle behaviors tend to run in families. And, you know, much...
Jay K. Harness, MD: No, no, no, no, no you need to be doing a breast self-exam because as Cathy Cole knows and I think you know as well, the vast majority of patients that come see me with breast...



>>>Dr. Margileth: One of things that one should always do in a patient with breast cancer is to take a detailed family history to try to determine whether gene testing for what is...
>>> DR. JAY K. HARNESS: As I have shared with you several times, breast cancer screening, mammographic screening, is the single factor that has lowered the death rate from breast...
Hello, my name is Anna McGill and I am the genetic counselor here at Alta Bates Summit Medical Center. As a genetic counselor, it is my job to help women and men with a personal or family history of...
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>>> DR. JAY K. HARNESS: A question was recently submitted from a very anxious person who is unfortunately going through the experience of watching her mother die from stage-4...
hello everyone i'm kelly ripa cohost of line with kelly in micro i'd like to welcome you to a very special buyers i hang out with first lady michelle obama this is the latest in a...

