Hello everyone, this is Breanna Burton here and I'm doing a review on 'Totally Polished' Bratz Fianna. This is my first Bratz doll and I'm really excited to review her...
Hello my name is Paul Dang with Nail World on behalf of Expert Village now I would show you how to take off the acrylic nails at age or lift. When the acrylic nails start to lift from side to side it...
Hello my name is Paul Dang with Nail World on behalf of Expert Village. Now we would shape the nails post shaping it after we put on the acrylic. So when you shape the nail you want to make sure that...
Hello my name is Paul Dang with Nail World on behalf of Expert Village now we would straighten out the French When you straighten out the French all you need is to get a brush about this size. This is...
This is Lois Arnold and I am the owner of Elijah University Salon and Spa, and we are at 4012 Market Street here in Philadelphia. It’s very important when you’re do acrylic nails, your brush is very,...
I’m Lillian with expertvillage.com and we’re ready to remove the old polish. What I’m going to do is get a cotton ball and get some nail polish remover. Soak it pretty good and squeeze the excess....
listen to the up so early that larry pratt sets for syphilis place in this country there should be a gun-free zone kindergartens hospitals should guns be allowed everywhere is that really the solution...
the Jumeirah plan on how to kill Obamacare well first off course they tried to be fun the Obamacare and in a try to shut the government down you know all that story well that was a frontal assault it...
Hi guys! So I hadn't filmed a tutorial in forever so I thought today would be a good opportunity to do so. Um, I'm so out of practice I was like saying the wrong things and I...