In this clip I'd just like to talk to you about the advantages of false eyelashes versus your natural lashes. Wearing false eyelashes can really help open up your eye and add a little more...
Now the eyes are almost done. I just want to do one finishing touch, which is adding individual eyelashes to accentuate her already gorgeous and full eyelashes. At this point, you could have done a...
Now that we have measured the lashes on her eye, we are going to use some lash adhesive. I'm going to take a little bit of it on this little brush. I'm just going to put a really thin...
When you are choosing false lashes for yourself the first thing you want to take into consideration is how full your own lashes are. She has really full lashes so we do not necessarily need anything...
The first thing we are going to do is we are going to take our strip lash, peel it off here really gently, Have her close for me, and I am going to line it up with the inner corner to the outer...
Hi I’m Yvette Parrish and thanks for joining me at Expert Village. Today I am going to show you how to apply false eyelashes, how to make them stay and how to get that gorgeous look on your eyes. I...
Hi I’m Yvette Parrish and thanks for joining me at Expert Village. Today I am going to show you how to apply false eyelashes, how to make them stay and how to get that gorgeous look on your eyes....
In this clip I'm going to show you the proper technique to removing false eyelashes. You just going to want to gently pull the tip. Just like that. So you are just going to gently pull at the...
In this clip I'm going to show you the tools that you need to apply false eyelashes. You're going to use an angle brush and a black eye shadow for eyeliner. Black mascara, tweezers,...
Now the next thing that you would want to do to kind of blend in your false lash look a little bit better is to make sure that you put on some eye shadow, and she already does have some eye shadow on....