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PROFESSOR: Welcome back to recitation. In this video I want us to work on the following problem. A very shallow circular reflecting pool has uniform depth, D and radius R. And this is in meters. And a...



jbjb College of Lake County Fall 2011, Transcript So where do you want to go? m going for my degree. m accelerating my career. m going to the College of Lake County. My instructors inspire me with...



The list of muscles that move the hip is long because the hip does so many things. It flexes forward, extends back, pulls the leg side-ways and away from the body, the hip pulls the leg back into the...



Salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu (may the peace and blessings of God be upon you) and welcome to Allamani Attareekh (History had taught me). This great professor in which there are rules...


annotations areas surrounding Iraq, which did not have a mistake except planting the fear and resurrecting the horrible sieges of the Tatar that were done in the past in the era of Genghis Khan and Oktai....



DRUM MAJOR: Band, forward march! (drums playing) MAN (over radio): Ten count to the VS, in two, one... I got Behati. Doutzen is here. WOMAN: Got 20 seconds for Adriana. I have Ale with me....