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My heart calls out to your heart. l have fallen in love with you. My heart calls out to your heart. l have fallen in love with you. My darling, my beloved. Trust me. Make yourself as desirous as l am....
Many believers are in terrible bondage of sin and addictions. Most of the church and most professing Christians are bound by satan, because they have gone back to sin. When you come to Jesus, He...
welcome to the program let's get right into talking about Syria yesterday we had a long day love appearing for the for a Senate Foreign Intelligence Committee Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel...
Buddha’s Sadness Poem written by Supreme Master Ching Hai I wish to find the celestial granary To scatter over mountains and forests, So every bird can be warm and nourished When I see them in cold...



Occasionally, people ask me if Grace Communion International teaches “Universalism.” Universalism is a belief that everyone will be saved, regardless of whether or not they are good or bad, have...
what here this came about that video %uh it's also said a number of things have been going on the trial it is called religion always moral I think not I've been doing a lot of thinking...
Hello my name is Dr. Don Ibbitson and this is Phyllis Tarbox. We are the founders of Above and Beyond Counseling Ministries and we are NCCA licensed clinical pastoral counselors. Between us we have...
the Vatican is offering less time in purgatory because it's really up to them if you tweet and follow the pope so the post has been on Twitter for a little while now and course that made...