Another really great way that you can make a handle for your garlic keeper is by extruding. Now an extruder is like a giant Play Dough factory it's squeezes out one long length of the same...
So I have reset my pointer. I'm using the same weight of clay but instead of 4 inches by 6 inches I am now 7 1/3 inches by 3 1/4 inches. That way I get a little bit wider and shorter. Same...



OK. Now we're going to do goblets. You can do goblets and chalices in a number of different sizes and shapes. You can sort of do whatever you want with these. The similarity between all of...
So now we're going to make some handle on here and I'm thinking some big elaborate type of things going on. So I'm going to get my chunk of clay ready for making some handles;...
Now, I've got the inside of my foot trimmed, I want to trim the outside. And this is really going to be part of the entire shape of the piece. So I know what I want to visualize, or I know...
[C. Jefferson] As an instructor in beginning wheel throwing, I’m constantly doing demos, moving around the class, trying to give the students kind of the basic skill sets they need to create artwork...
So let's just go start melting this in. Just kind of push the clay into those cracks and down and into these bowls. All right just like that. And you can use your fingers and just really be...
Okay now, if it's going to be a pitcher not only does it need a spout, it needs a handle as well. And I'm going to show you how to do that. The first thing you want to do is make your...
So at this point you want your nice wire tool and then like that and move it over to the left. And unlike the little, the little projects that you make on the wheel; it's better to take these...



Hi, today we're going to make a bottle neck vase. And that's a vase that comes up and has a very small top to it. The main difference in throwing something like this is in the throwing...