to returns maturity advise planned stop this fall aunty out survive meeting over that one another bucket by these two countries it worked we just don't know what that's right because...



"Freedom Fighters" In 2011, Pablo left his wife and kid to go back to the "army," But really He went to the crime fighting group, The Freedom Fighters. The main...
Anyway, today I wanted to talk about Facebook I don't know if it's still cool or not Like, I've had my Facebook for a while, but I haven't even used it. And the thing...
*Ok so I've just seen her and I'm walking after her...* I'm turning my voice recorder on in my phone BT: Hey.. Wait.. I just wanted to say hi .. I just noticed you down there...
What's goin on beautiful? Give us some eye contact too Look at this beautiful white girl walking God must have spent some extra time on you! Ay girl, how are been these days? What you doin?...