Eyes filled with love

Citizen scientist I'm counting on you, you can learn it all just watchin youtube sometimes I don't know what we'll do if what they're saying is true I tried to send a...
I have right I have to right to see you to my heart's content that I continue to see you, I have right o beloved, my heart speaks you have right this night is melting and passing slowly it...
Eearly this morning after praying the LORD spoke to me, He said, Where is the love? And then just before I came on here to record on this computer, He said, UNFIEGNED LOVE... And I knew it was in the...
Previously on... Great news, Alan. Berta has agreed to be my live-in housekeeper. Yeah, he talked me into it. I wonder what his sweat tastes like. Time for me to go. Wait. Come here. Give us a hug...
Do you understand what I am saying? Are you crying because you are scared of me? Why is it you point up into the sky? Is it because you’ve realized That we’re about to go there now? Just as your name...
Khun Noi. Khun Noi is here. Charlie Come over here. Put your shoes on. Mae Prom. Mae Pim. Excuse me. Not a problem. Charlie, don't shout like this again. There are many adults in this house....
I don't want to get a divorce. Why we got to get a divorce? Because I have grown up and you are still the same guy you were at 19. No, that is not true. I got a lot more money now. Not about...
In the beginning it was night, and silence was heard. And then came the light, and that light was the Word. All-knowing, all-seeing, divine was his being. Our God is one before the Son shone. Sun and...