>>>Dr. Harness: I find that women are more physically active. They’re involved in more sports. They’re involved in things like kickboxing and regular boxing and karate and black...
bjbj 0:00:00.000,0:00:04.000 (text on screen): Dr. Harhari Khalsa, Chiropractic Physician, Los Angeles, CA. When Nothing Else Worked. 0:00:04.000,0:00:17.000 Dr. Harhari Khalsa: I m just going to tell...
Medicine is an embodiment of... ...what our hopes are. We're in this because... ...we believe that as a leader we have a moral obligation; we have a calling of... ...our conscience to do more...



Hi, this is NephthysUK. In a couple of days I have an appointment with an EMDR therapist. He's one of these people that gets something and you are supposed to track it from side to side with...



I was severely injured in an ambushright toward the end of my first tour. Part of the stigma is that people think if I ask for help that I am showing weakness, whereas I think it's just the...



Remember Or, Daddy loves you and always will love you. 2 00:00:03,010 --> 00:00:05,500 Hommy, we will miss our flight. You'll always be daddy's sunshine, No matter what happens....



I never prescribe a sleeping pill for insomnia if I think that there's a reason for the insomnia that I can treat more effectively. If you've been given these medications for your...
Some other items that are important to have in a kit is like bandages like you could use for making splints or slings. If you have accidents and you sort of, you know, fell down and you want to keep...
Right now we are standing in the Williams building, the art building here at UVM, in one of the painting classrooms. And one thing that really struck me about UVM was how I could diversify all the...