The Lord Jesus is a righteous judge and ALL judgment and authority to judge has been given to Jesus. If you choose to not repent, He will be judging NOT in your favor, He will be judging against you....
-What is Source? -Source is God but it's not the God that you think of in terms of: it's the separate entity that's controlling life like chess Everything that is, is Source...
The Reverend Jarvis E. Cooper leslie easily fooled handy with destitute exactly hexaware manuals this year acta bastard facility here ought to say hello process place there are some people have most...
Over the past weeks, we have looked at telescopes, cameras, and other equipment used for observation of the Universe. The most remarkable thing about all that we've learned in the Advanced...
I'm a local veterinarian. I have an office in the Green Haven pocket area, though I do write full time now, I still do a little volunteer work. Because my first love was veterinary medicine,...
[question from audience] The government tended to be the bad guys while as you have the scientists being the good guys. You've had some very nasty black ops kinda people coming in and with the...



[Sound of ancient door opening] From New York Times bestselling author James Rollins 70 Years ago, the Soviets abandoned their hidden research facility - The Ice Station Grendel Home to something...