Ships cross the ocean shatter the time 'cause a new thinking arise that change our minds leave all the certain behind Heroes are lonely new era begins Reality is fading away whatever they do Whatever...
Hey, you! You better get out of here! I'm looking for some Pacific Tech professors. There's nobody else around here now! - Hurry up, jump in! - There was a girl with them. - If I could find her! -...
Excuse me. You're Dr Bashir, aren't you? - That's right. - l'm Leeta. l've been meaning to come by the infirmary to see you. Oh, dear. How long have you had that cough? A few days now. May l? Cough...
Nowadays, we take curiosity for granted. We believe that if we put in the hard work, we might one day stand before the pyramids, discover a new species of flower, or even go to the moon. But, in the...
English subtitles by Jonas Linde Well, that went fine. Thanks! You probably beat me on making knots, I know nothing of it. Ok, lets see. They dont like us here, its their home. We are the intruders...
C C7 F Once I hoped to seek the new and unknown. Fm C This planet's overrun. F#/D Fm C There's nothing left for you or for me. F7 Fm7 Don't give in. F G C We can walk C Through...
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These seventh and eighth graders are heading to school but instead of finding their usual desks inside a classroom they're boarding the M/V Fjordland of Kenai Fjords Tours in Seward....

