Hello World. This is L. The day that this video is uploaded marks the 15th birthday of Google, the internationally most used Search Engine. It seems apropriate to take this moment to talk about the...
study and uh... the journal pediatrics uh... looks at the number of eighth graders in the state of oregon that i've tried something known as as fixya so are basically eighth graders who choke...
I was sitting on the plane on the way to Armenia In my mind, I felt like I was going to see a lover A lover whom I had never met and, up until now, whom I had never met It was as though we had always...
(music) How do I use the online catalogue to find the information I need? Sometimes the best way to find what you need is to experiment! Keep it simple. I don't need all the words in the title...



What companies are thinking is innovation starts with an idea. I have an idea. And now I have to see it’s a good-- if it’s a good idea. And what they’re trying to do is to get through that cycle very...
The only two major measurements that we made where there was a consistent effect across all subjects was the average speed they travelled which was slower and their tracking ability, their ability to...



{psychedelic sound} So our presentation is about the forgotten technology, which is learning spaces on campus. And what we're interested in is talking about our learning space and other...
Hi guys. I'm just having a look at this Sleipnir web browser for iOS have it on the iPad and it's pretty cool it's an interesting alternative to safari and it has tabbed...
MIKE DONOHUE: Experimentation has to happen, because, oftentimes, and especially now, the consumer is way ahead of the marketer. In this day and age, the consumer wants to connect, wants to have...