Excuse me is greg here thank you

>>> Coming up next on "Arizona Horizon," we'll ask Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton about how Senate Bill 1062 will affect city ordinances regarding...
Would you mind telling me what’s your whole name again? Kenny Laufer. What do you do for a living, Kenny? Well, I do two things. I am a musician and a composer, I write a lot of music. And to...
hello everybody my name is jeffery yong and i want to welcome you to our online forex seminar i'm very excited about today's session because we will be talking about some very...
Hi. I'm "Alex Charak". I'm from New York. My channel is "Drcoolsex". Right now, you might think I'm in an office, but I'm actually...
(woman) Oh, my. Hope you haven't been waiting long. I'm usually the first one here. Sorry about that. All right, think you're gonna like this three-bedroom property, Mr. Poole....
You're moving out soon, right? Could you move out? Where is my car? Well, maybe you shouldn't have pissed off the mayor, huh? You wanted to see me about something, Dad? It...
BIDEN: You don't need an AR15. OBAMA: I have two words for you. Predator drones. BIDEN: [Laughs] OBAMA: You will never see it coming. BIDEN: Buy a shotgun. [Laughs] OBAMA: You think...
now to give us progressive perspective the is independent senator of from uh... from out of course free citizens in member of the progress of progress about us for residents of outlook is that really...
>>Male Presenter: Good afternoon, everybody. My name is Paul Carff. I'm on Google's developer-relations team. I'm a home brewer. I've been at Google five...