I get hundreds of emails from patients that are infertile and want to have children, so they directly find me. They do research on the Internet, and they actually contact. Some of the patients will...
So human embryonic stem cells were made from human embryos, and the NIH has approved--I believe it's around 200 different human embryonic stem cell lines for use. Because the cells are from...



John Lynch has changed. Lynch promised to not raise business taxes, then increased them. He claimed to cut state spending, but increased spending 27%. He promised his prisoner release plan would make...
[MUSIC IN] Debbye Turner Bell: Hello. I'm Debbye Turner Bell and I'm pleased to introduce you to Media-Smart Youth, an exciting program for young people ages 11 to 13. Media-Smart...
Good day. I'm Eunice Kim. And here are your Headlines from Around the World. It's been four days... and the hunt continues for missing Malaysia Airlines flight 370. Malaysia's...
[MUSIC IN] DR. ALAN GUTTMACHER: I think the significance of any anniversary, certainly one like the 50th anniversary, is both to have a celebration of what we've accomplished, to think about...
Today, I'm going to talk about the big shift that is changing the world. The human side of the Web. It is about adaptation, courage, changes, innovation and digital Darwinism. Why? Because the...
[music playing] >> Beth: Seriously? >>Kevon: What? Congratulations, man! >> Beth: Is it okay to tell everyone? >> Thomas: Yeah. We were just...