hey has a goal in this is Phil again and thanks for stopping by and watch in today's episode which I has to do with a what are the top selling items on ebay day and the reason I wanted to make...
Hi, Kennyart here. Thought I would talk about the camera I use to make videos with. I have a couple of them but, this is the one I use the most. It's a Gopro Hero 2. and uh... I use it on this...
Just add water and throw on some Instant Underpants. Right after you sign this Bathroom Guest Book. Because LÜT is back! Start your day with a cup of Joe using Canadiano a personalized wooden coffee...
Hi besties! A lot of you have your own businesses and you might have several employees as well. Are all your employees doing great? Do you know how to manage them? Managing your employees is as...
Hi, I'm Jill Pollack and Im an organizational expert and i'm here to give you some great tips on organizing for the spring. In fact, Schick Intuition just did a survey and they found...
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Hi besties! If you were given a chance to make a wish What will it be? I have a story for you About a guy who made a wish But not for himself But for people he loved and cared for Z! go get the intro!...