I'm not going to let people who work in the United States Department of Justice have their characters be assailed without any basis.
The Constitution guarantees due process, not judicial process.
Whether it is an attempt to bomb the New York City subway system, an attempt to bring down an airplane over Detroit, an attempt to set off a bomb in Times Square... I think that gives us a sense of...
You constantly hear about voter fraud... but you don't see huge amounts of vote fraud out there.
It pains me whenever there's the death of a law enforcement official.
People feel uncomfortable talking about racial issues out of fear that if they express things, they will be characterized in a way that's not fair. I think that there is still a need for a dialogue...
Though race-related issues continue to occupy a significant portion of our political discussion, and though there remain many unresolved racial issues in this nation, we, average Americans, simply do...
I think that what I'm doing is right. And election-year politics, which intensifies everything, is not going to drive me off that course.