We are in Tortuga Bay, here on Santa Cruz island in the Galapagos. It is one of the most beautiful beaches here in the Galapagos. And at night Sea Turtles come out and they nest, but that...
BitsnBytes presents A documentary on the financial crisis World, European, Greek By Aris Chatzistefanou and Katerina Kitidi Scientific Research Leonidas Vatikiotis Music Yiannis Aggelakas, Ermis...
our exclusive interview with WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange, who sparked a global uproar with his release of hundreds of thousands of pages of secret government documents and diplomatic cables,...
(CBS) Assange is not your average journalist or publisher, and some have argued that he is not really a journalist at all. He is an anti-establishment ideologue with conspiratorial views. He believes...
Fiancee Visa Services Dot Com Your Personal Immigration Guide Hi. My name is Fred Wahl. I am a bonded immigration consultant. I have over 35 years of experience and each year I help hundreds of...
Well, about these engravings, this is the third time I do them and they are actually notebook drawings For my work, for any installation I do, my point of departure is my notebook And this series, I...
Sao Tome: Aids campaign the african way! by TravelPod member tom-of-boracay Sao Tome-village scene in the south by TravelPod member tom-of-boracay Island of Rolas, equator monument by TravelPod member...



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This briefing focuses on Vietnam. The goal of this presentation is to inform you on various aspects of that country, in preparation for your upcoming investment decision. There are many aspects of a...



We heard this story from Mrs Beatriz Jacome, who obtained the first version From the direct witness Alberto Avila Machuca. Who is a fellow friend from an international catholic group to which both of...