I just want you to know that whatever you want this "between us" to be, I do too. I think you've got the wrong idea about me. You can keep your job. I'm not gonna take this any further than...
Thank you, come again! And who might you be? You know that I'm Munetada Tajima of the Fu'un Sekisai school, don't you? Of course. That's why I chose you. All right, then. I'll take you on for a little...
- Allo ? - Kiz I need you. Please. I'm in deep shit. The things we do for love Like standing up a fit girl I could have a decent chat with and a snog for a slapper who treated me like shit and only...
- 'While Saint was ready to commit' - I'm in love with you! - '. . and Sugar was striking out on her own' - I want to get on with my life. '. . Stella was facing up to an unexpected consequence of all...
So, Sam, is it going to be okay? Your dad's missing. That's serious. It's no big deal, Jessica. Dad likes to go on these hunting trips, and he often holes up in a cabin. He and his buddies must've had...
NARRATOR: Previously on Surface Terrance! Terrance! Oh, my God. The species turned hostile. Hoping you can identify the animal that did this. An electrician got bitten yesterday in the marsh by some...



Tell Me You Love Me Season 1 Episode 10 - You're a quitter, you know that? - Stop. Stop. You're a coward. You're like your father. - A fucking coward. - I know. Well, I'm not gonna be like your...
I've never really felt like I had any control over my life. I think that's why I like video games. It is so much easier to measure life in experience points. But, I mean, I was in Cheesybeards, and I...



I've never felt comfortable at parties. I just don't enjoy meeting people. Well, meeting strangers. I guess strangers are technically people, too I mean, people I'll never see again. Or at least I...

