Ever feel like labelling dividers takes more time than putting together binders. Avery Index Maker Dividers end the frustration. No more need to resort to unprofessional handwritten dividers or...
So what's the trick? The trick is alright, that you keep having to turn the; turn your circle so that you're coming straight towards the center. So first I sketched in with a pencil to...
Hi, I’m Josh and I’m going to show you how to print response envelopes also known as RSVP envelopes. Now even though this is a small envelope, most people’s home printers are fully capable of...
Hello and welcome to The Print Vault. We're excited you're here. Today, we're going to show you how to customize your statement envelopes using the options list. After you have...
Activity 4, another 3-D exercise to make a simple CD case. I'll sketch it out first and show you what I'm going to do. Basically constructing two squares. When I measured a CD case,...
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Hi this is Karen for Expert Village. Now what you want to mark where the bottom folds up to the top, you want to mark right here. Just put the top of that on this piece. Now unfold and we are going to...
Hi this is Karen for Expert Village. Now to make the corner a little neater. We are going to fold in a forty-five degree angle and what you should have is this crease should line up with the crease...
So once I understood that my device was marginal instability, and itís close, itís unconditionally stable, but I donít think I could hold that over any sort of manufacturing tolerances, I wanted to...