Entrepreneurial bubsinesses

Do you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur? In Module 1 we'll help you explore self-employment! We'll define what an entrepreneur really is and what they really do. We'll...
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Hello, I'm Nathan Jones, founder and owner of NDJ Associates and professor of the Academy. The Academy is a graduate level curriculum which integrates these things in business: marketing,...
Historically speaking real estate has always been a good investment. With the downturn of the market and the banks inflating the appraisal value of real estate property because of their greed has...
If you have everything already - and we have so much in Western Europe - then you start, anything you change could also mean that you lose, and you don't want to do that. Vienna is a fantastic...
There’s a lot of really talented scientists, engineers, technicians down here who are working on the nation’s space program. And we are going through a transition I mean, its, it is a difficult time...
MALE SPEAKER: You're here because of asteroids and Jason, who comes out of NASA's headquarters in DC, at 300 East Street, I understand. JASON KESSLER: Southwest. MALE SPEAKER:...
Time Warner Audiobooks Presents "Rich Dad's Before You Quit Your Job" Ten real life lessons every entrepreneur should know about building a multi-million dollar business...
[ music ] >> The US Small Business Administration and the United States Postal Service present, delivering success, video interviews with entrepreneurs from around the country who share...