Pinkie Pie : There is a place Where the grass is what's for dinner Applejack: Soup's on, everypony! Charmed, fun, and wild Yeehaw! There must be something in the water Spike: What?...
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf949\cocoasubrtf540 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 ArialMT;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red34\green34\blue34;\red0\green22\blue231;}...
ELIOT VAN BUSKIRK: I actually just finished doing a videotaped deposition for eight hours about putting Napster on and CNET, and writing tutorials on how to use it. So this is all very...
Most people in normal social situations feel compelled to fill in a gap in a conversation. It just feels a little awkward. You certainly, again, don't want to make your subject uncomfortable...
Hi, this is Lee Jong Seok... ...and Kim Woo Bin! - Yes Do you know the phrase "Kaemitonda"? Do you know that phrase? It is widespread on the Internet that Lee Jong Suk is the...
This man that many people like lately. We've prepared a news about this man who steals woman's heart on School 2013, Kim Woo Bin. Although the drama has ended, his schedule is packed...
En éstos fríos y torturantes días Siempre corro hacia ti, Para abrazarte fuerte Tú, me darás una sonrisa, que se derrite en mi amargo corazón, Entonces despierto, Y empiezo a llorar.. Oh ¿ No lo...



¿Cómo te estás sintiendo? ¿Cómo me estoy sintiendo? Bien ¿Bien? Ahora puedo dormir tranquilo. Gracias. Por favor diles algo a las anguilas alrededor del mundo ¿A dónde? -Un agradecimiento por sus...



BROAD CITY KERRI: Hi, I'm Kerri DAVE: I'm Dave, and this is EW's TV Recaps for March 13th. KERRI: Dave, you know how much I love Broad City, right? DAVE: I think we all do....
♪ This day is going to be perfect ♪ ♪ The kind of day of which I dreamed since I was small ♪ ♪ Everypony will gather round, say I look lovely in my gown ♪ ♪ What they don't know is that I...