
- Hey. - I think I did the right thing, but I just need you to confirm that I did the right thing. I said something to someone. What exactly did you say, ma'am, and to who? To whom. Senator...
Hey folks, Dirty Signs With Kristin! I have an awesome new phrase for you this week, it's "Peeing your pants is cool"! So, to sign this, it's actually really easy....
Hi folks, Dirty Signs With Kristin! I have an amazing phrase for you today. It's "Dirty Sanchez"! Cause who doesn't want to know how to sign this? So, we're...
Hi folks, Dirty Signs With Kristin! I have an awesome sign today - it's a special request from the folks over at The Stash, which is a great show on the Playboy Channel. It's...
Hi folks, Dirty Signs With Kristin! I received an email request from Dan and Fred for the term "FUPA." If you're not familiar with this, it stands for "fat upper...

