If fashion is a spectacle, then we sort of would want to use technology towards a little bit of that spectacle, you know, to get attention or to make a statement or to express something. But on the...
OK, so you're looking for alternatives to surgical breast augmentation. You really want to enhance and/or enlarge your breasts out of dissatisfaction, feelings of inadequacy, or hey -maybe you...
In humanitarian news, Australia donates more than US$36 million to enhance health care and education in Afghanistan. The four-year-program, which will help 300,000 individuals, is being funded by...
In education news, an Indian boarding school in Bihar State uses Skype to help enhance students’ learning. At the Chaitanya Gurukul Public School in the village of Chamanpura, pupils get extra...



>>While many learned professors have abandoned hope of ever discovering the truth behind Best Breast Enhancement Cream Review, I for one feel that it is still a worthy cause for...
We had one woman, Ivonne Borrero, who came to the program. Her son was overweight, and she really wanted to learn how to maintain her Latino recipes. So we did a lot of how to adjust the sodium and...



bjbj [Music] Hi, I m John Burkhart, and today on Videomakers Tips & Techniques segment we re gonna learn a little bit about recording sound effects. Having a nice sound effects track will...



Live Chat Assistant decreases contact-center costs, deflecting 20-80% of chats by answering simple tier 1 & tier 2 questions on your website – and can seamlessly transition more complex chat...



[ Music ] >> [Background Music] The University of Michigan Hospitals and Health Centers continues to promote quietness in our patient care areas with the goal of creating the ideal...



[no dialogue]. ♪ [music playing throughout-- no dialogue] ♪ ♪. (female voiceover). During filming most people pay more attention to what they're recording through the lens of the camera, than...

