backpacking close and at that level now and next and added and accompanying theory d back earlier cattle learned he had a alone neck dependent hinted paschal he had hadn't yet ted campaign...



understand just sitting here just shaking my head he is the cotton pickin president of the united states uh... file or the blacks locally down here we had big big drop at the bottom now and meter...
My occupation is a petroleum technologist here at Encana Corporation. I got into this career not planned, but completely by accident. I’m a big geology hound, and this allowed me to not only work...



Hi everyone and welcome to the GlassExperience interview. I'm pleased to welcome Bruce Brke CMO of miser this interview will be quick the goodies for the glasses character and served three...
Cada uno de nostros tres, venimos de experiencias varias por ahi, de investigación musical de nuestras raices mezclado como con nuestra relidad venezolana, latinoamericana, donde incide todo lo que...



everyone welcome back to the mighty big shows cell number nineteen uh... the wanted to show and this and you're calling the are much of that but probably the man behind act in addition here...



spring wife's on the phone it's a pleasure to welcome back to the program the director of gas land and gas lawn to josh Fox Josh welcome back thanks so much sam it's great to...
Friend Invites July 19, 2010. I have had a lot of personal attacks on my channel from religious groups and gun owners. So I have been inviting friends from channels who have like interests. I have...
L'audience de la court Penale internationale est ouverte Veuillez vous assoir puis ce fut le cas toulouse soir bonjour à tous l'audience est ouverte à malam bacai d'affaires...

