Elmore leonard

I don't want to write any more screenplays, I'll tell you that right now. It's a waste of time. You've got too many people who think they have the answer to a good screenplay and they don't. No one...
To me, writing is the most fun. It's not always fun, but finally when you make it come out the way you want, it's then you can say, 'It's fun, boy.'
I can write anywhere. But I don't use a computer, and I could never write on a laptop. I hate the sound of computers; it's too dull, like it's not doing anything for you.
I never know what I'm going to write next. If I'm still writing the book but I'm very near the end, and I begin to think of what I'd like to do next, then I'll know that what I'm writing is in hand....
I do this a lot with names. I'll start with a name, and then for some reason he won't talk much, or he's older than I pictured him just because of a name I give him. So then I finally get the right...
I'm not going to write for posterity. I'm going to write to make a buck.
Really, when I write a book I'm the only one I have to please. That's the beauty of writing a book instead of a screenplay.
I decided to write Westerns because there was a terrific market for Westerns in the '50s. There were a lot of pulp magazines, like 'Dime Western' and '10 Story Western' that were still being...
I still read Hemingway. I still read his short stories because they're so good. He doesn't waste any words.
Writers - all writers, even screenwriters - like to make their mark. I don't think many screenwriters can write. They pass as writers.