It's amazing, the mentality shift that occurs in pregnancy. All of a sudden you want to be good to yourself.
The best Mother's Day gift I ever got was just a full day with the kids where they did their mommy pampering. They cut cucumbers and put them on my eyes and my daughter gave me a facial. I'm not even...
To see your spouse in a parental role is one of the most incredible things.
Knowing someone else is going through the bizarreness of pregnancy with you makes it feel a little less impossible.
I'm not worried about misconception or a perception that's bad. If I were, I'd be chasing something all the time.
There's always going to be a ball up in the air, and what I try to do is make sure that ball is never the kids. If that means sacrificing a social event or having fewer work commitments, it's worth...
I don't claim to be someone that knows every verse in the Bible. I wish I did. I truly do. It just means I need to spend more time in those pages.
I have to live in the truth that this is who I am. That's what I need to focus on.