the jaguar has a weapon that could make all the difference when these rivals meet razor-sharp claws could the Jaguar strike fast enough and hard enough to score a hit on the snake but there's...
[MUSIC] [JODY SEAY] Hello and welcome again to Back Page. I'm Jody Seay, and we're doing something a little different today. Usually we talk about books, but today we're going...
US city council approves expanded rules to better protect entertainment animals. By a unanimous vote, City Council of Sacramento, California approved an amendment to help safeguard the well-being of...
You played off five goals last year. You know that? We played off 5 believe it or not. But then we're true gentlement. You want me to read it out to you? Last year EFG were 5. Mongolia?...
Laci: It's been a week of cuteness, Trace absolute cuteness. Are you ready for this? Trace: I think I'm ready, but can we add just a bit of awesome. Laci: Yeah, cuteness and awesome....
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1038\cocoasubrtf360 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 ArialMT;\f1\fnil\fcharset0 LucidaGrande;}...
Hi, I'd like to share three minutes of your time to talk about elephants, specifically, Chai, Bamboo and Watoto, the three elephants on display at Seattle's Woodland Park Zoo. Chai and...
PRAGATI, Koraput digitalGREEN Planting of elephant foot yam. Namaskar, I am Anusaya and I work in an organisation called PRAGATI. Lets go to Dhatulput village, where we will see yam plantation and...



Reduce Size, Increase Revenue, Save Cost Introducing the Heavy Duty Dual Ram Baler from SINOBALER an ideal baling machine to compress fluffy material such as palm fiber, coir fiber, and more. These...