(chorus) Tesko je mislit na romantiku Slusat razum logiku Kad si tako, mmm-dobar Tesko je glumit manire fine Samo brijem kak' da te skinem Tako si, mmm-dobar Trudim se ostati dama Al dama izvisi sama...
Novčanik mi je toliko krcat da mi ne stane u đžep Mojih pet minuta na obzoru, život je ljep Moj macan - najbolji u selu, imam najbolju ergelu Nemogu nać ni jednu zamjerku svojem Afroditskom tijelu...
Kad ništa ne ide od ruke i nema sreće, kad se sranja događaju ko da ih neko podmeće, kad je sve tako glupo i kao da nema smisla sto i jedna obaveza sada me pritisla, neću klonut, idem dalje, valjda...
Budim se mamurna, glava mi pulsira Dok otvaram oči vrti mi se film od prošle noći Gledali smo TV u stanu kod mene Ti si čekao svoje društvo ko pravo muško A ja sam slušala, i glavom klimala, Ideš na...



Here on the stage, the time has come 'Mid the strains of 'be my angel', of rockin' 2/4 Time may keep alive that old swan song That we've been playing forever, Too, time may be right to say...
You always said you were the compassionate one But now you're laughing at the sun With all your high class friends you think you've got it made The only thing you made was that tanned look on your...
Last years rivals share their blood Sailor sworn to secrecy Ride the waves and stem the flood The tides of endless enmity Power now is all the rage Sons and daughters of the gun Hungry babies come of...
My life, nothing was easy till now Hope like the morning will paint the dawn More than ordinary ( deep down ) Make it more than merry ( deep down ) Take me to the jamboree ( deep down ) And shine a...
Giants on Armistice Day Caught between the rock and the renegade
Time will swallow Your precious time Like magic create the future What makes man so fickle Who put the daggers in those eyes Was it to learn Through dark days of struggle Was it to burn To burst all...