Walt, por favor. Dejemos de intentar justificar todo este asunto... ...y admitamos que estas en peligro. A quien le estás hablando en este momento? A quien crees que ves? Sabes cuanto gano en un año?...
Walt, lo dije antes Si estas en peligro Podemos ir a la policia No quiero escuchar sobre la policia No digo esto a la ligera Se lo que puede hacerle a esta familia Pero si es la unica verdadera...



Walt,ya lo dije antes si estas en peligro, vamos con la policia No quiero hablar de la policia No digo esto comunmente, Yo se lo que le puede causar a esta familia pero si es la unica opcion que...



there's also the adverse brought to you by through its conference or student at c dot the high school about texas i was recently in the news because another student kinesiology geometry class...
Over all these years of making bait 30 years now We don't just look at flavours flavours and taste We look at colours and how these colours work with the other ingredients Always with anything...
cats nearly beat the patriots that would knock me out of this uh... survivor poor i'm sure people around the country although uh... and uh... the but the jets of the patrons finally score just...
faculty like the sports talk more boxing with robert axl the editor in chief of boxing dot com the main attraction on saturday night in carson california was no need to atone air against toshi afi...
amir confidante carlos molina at the l_a_ sports arena on the campus of universities boil children american looked pretty good if he had had a technical knockout going into the eleven th around a...
care anything like this force locked out here in corporate city california bricks from a few as many of you know now make akio waters knocked rethought out by juan manuel marquez in on saturday it was...
one of the most unbelievable flights that i personally have never seen you know i i've seen some pretty good ones my twenty four years you have seen more because while you have more years on...