sts stealth falling and i think this is really interesting because again you know we've talked about the dangers in the negative repercussions of snow to being in russia the leader of...
I'm going to warn you have something in advance here and if it comes to fruition I'm gonna look like I have a crystal fuckin ball so the paper the independent published an exclusive...
OK, legen wir los. Wie steht es mit den Upgrades beim DMS (Defense Messaging System)? Wir legen etwas hinter dem Zeitplan. Uh, Die IT ist immernoch mit dem Analysieren des Datenverkehrs beschäftigt,...



bigness start the day of course is edward snow then uh... but some people are not focusing on the fact that he is the person who did the n_s_a_ lee they would rather focus on the way he looks ballers...
President Obama's meeting in the oval office on Thursday with angry lawmakers who apparently did not know enough about the NSA spying program and their limit about it they say why...
ron paul ist sehr besorgt über edward snowden besorgt, was konkret ist er besorgt über sagte er einige Rechner, auf Fox Business wer weiß, wer sie da drüben haben an dieser Stelle ist es ein, es ist...
This is going to go up on Your first act of solidarity with Ed Snowden, Glenn Greenwald, Jeremy Scahill and your act of defiance against the NSA will be to tweet, to Facebook, to text....
wife's meanwhile I am from last week Edward snowed in former NSA a security contractor internet extensive interview with the New York Times said that he did not take any secret NASA documents...
spring wife's a Michael how would the russians get snowed in files to keep hearing people say that it's naive to think that the evil russians Chinese we get snowed in files but nobody...



Edward Snowden's latest revelation? The U.S. National Security Agency doesn't just focus on national security but also spies for competitive advantages over businesses. Snowden spoke...