welcome everybody to what the fletc thanks for being here and want to have a rolling that actually for sheila mere bed banquets here with the other way their contact already know that elan three...
My name is Marty Kaan, and I'm a management consultant. We need to get them on the tit. That's what we do. Suck, motherfucker, suck. Every week, me and my team go somewhere and talk...



ah i like this place im going to go to the competer hmm lets see what the competer does ? fun du mmm I think time travel even existed ?!?! time travel their we go time travel...
>> RUSSELL BRAND: We are live on the television. I've just got here. Things are a little bit crazy. You can stop applauding now. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you, thank you, thank...
The newest building at AUT is dedicated to Sir Paul Reeves. Raiha Johns went to see the building and to hear what his mokopuna thinks about it. A splendid building for a splendid man. The newest...
♪ It seems today that all you see ♪ ♪ Is violence in movies and sex on TV ♪ ♪ But where are those good old-fashioned values ♪ ♪ On which we used to rely? ♪ ♪ Lucky there's a family guy ♪ ♪...
ZIMMERN: Los Angeles is a seriously big city that's serious about food. ZIMMERN: That burger's big. ZIMMERN: That sounds repulsive. I can't wait to try it. This is the coolest...
Hi, we're going to do Goth makeup today and I'd like to talk a little bit about Goth in particular. It kind of comes out of a little bit of the punk rock scene, a very alternative...
[PRESENTS] [METAL GUITARISTS] -Damn you all to the chamber of chaos! -A place for metal and horror! -Is that why your show is horrendous? -As hideous as your potbelly fatboy? -Blow me Belinda! -Today,...



Hello everybody. So I know you're thinking dang girl you look hot! I know. Anyways this is one of the Halloween looks I'm gonna be doing for you. Umm huh it's to impress the...