Alright, this is John Kohler with Today I'm sitting in my garden. It's wintertime here in California. I'm grateful that we can grow year round here in...
Hello, I'm Rachel Matthews and welcome to the Successful Garden Design show! In this episode, we're gonna take a look at an unconventional fruit producing garden. Now everyone knows...
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>>Narrator: In just three days, the families at Sierra Ridge Apartments, with helping hands from the community, turned the grassy front grounds into a garden. It began in spring 2008...
This is John Kohler with Hohoho. Merry Christmas. Hey, Christmas is coming up soon, and if you guys are growing your own food, I want to encourage you guys to grow some live...
Transcript: GEORGE ELLMORE, Assoc. Prof., Biology: Mmmmm, that looks tasty!  What I just picked here is Queen Ann's lace and there are the roots, the domestic carrot that's orange was...