Ich denke das erfolgreiche letzte Jahr hat viel mit der Arbeit zu tun, die ich in den Jahren zuvor gemacht habe. Ich denke es war wirklich ein Durchbruch der lange auf sich warten ließ, doch ich bin...



Ich bin eher aufgeregt als nervös. Ja, ich habe oft Gigs, die nicht so gut sind. Aber das macht den nächsten besser In der Garderobe, in Hotelzimmern, im Tourbus, im Schlafzimmer, im Studio. An...



All I knew this morning when I woke Is I know something now, know something now I didn't before And all I've seen since 18 hours ago is green eyes and freckles and your smile in the...
Hey! C'est le Summertime Ball 2012 avec vodafone. Je suis Will Cousins et celui qui me rejoins, faites du bruit, Ed Sheeran est avec nous ! Comment ça va Ed? Ca va et vous? Regarde, tu peux...
You give me life Like lots of oxygen You treat me like I was in love again And I hold you tight Tight enough to know That you are mine I'd never let you go And it's you I miss And...



Yeah so I just felt like making a video because my hair looks really nice. and my face looks really nice and yeah so I decided to do a cover of A Team or The A Team depending on how you like it by Ed...
hi! sorry, what color are my eyes? I can't tell. Is that green, or blue, or grey? It looks kind of greenish blue. It looks hazel cause of the camera. True. I'm sorry. you did not need...
nice in in caring ingested bloodstain non and you know i'm not unleavened blooms known answer thanks entering into that knows that cult place america itself gentlemanly sanket office at our to...
JFIF $3br %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz &'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz Oce. 4_V' -*=N iYE]J-Z x^N. {{I\ U]+V Fiu=R ,m"{...
You're not her Though I try to see you differently I tow the line See, I'm searching for what used to be mine I saw your eyes and then I saw Alice staring back at me And I will try to...