really interesting article from The Daily Mail about a US an American ecologist doctor Ellis silver who is saying that humans don't come from earth and he says the evidence if this are some is...



Green: its the color of life. As seasons cycle on Earth, it is the greenness of the planet that is the most notable change. Both on the ground and in space we seen vegetation bloom, flourish, and...
The next time you see a news report of a hurricane or a tropical storm showing high winds battering trees and houses, ask yourself, "How did the wind get going so fast?" Amazingly...
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1187\cocoasubrtf340 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 ArialMT;\f1\froman\fcharset0 Times-Roman;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;}...
Getting to Mars is no easy task. The technical challenges and investment is great. Most people don’t know NASA’s investment in the technologies needed to get to Mars bring benefit to all our lives...
This year's theme for Earth Hour Indonesia is 100% Indonesia Each participating cities brings out local attributes for the campaign And we’re not only focusing on switching off the lights for...
global climate change as we passed to pinpoint after tipping point I'm you know we did a a video on this lad which you can see it last hours .org about the methane tipping point methane...
[music] >> Elliott: Hey, Joe, what's your favorite thing about old stuff? >> Joe: I like when it gets real old. >> Elliott: Like, how old?...