Hey Guys, so I'm sure by now most of you are familiar with the FitBit, Fuelband, and all the other fitness tracking gadgets that have gained popularity recently. Well a new free app called...
If you're a sound engineer, you must have the SONY MDR-CD900ST studio monitor headphone. I always use iPod earphone to making beats at outdoor. But in home, when I listen it with the SONY...
since i haven't uploaded a video in weeks..is this a new one so uh.. INTRO!! Yesterday i asked you guys for some random questions on Twitter so i can answer those, And from now on i call it :...
This is a big problem to anyone but for all The simple fact to put this in the pocket and then it get out with a knot or you wind it very well but it get out with another knot always happens to us So,...
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1138\cocoasubrtf470 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 ArialMT;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red26\green26\blue26;\red0\green0\blue239;}...
Apple - iPod touch 16GB (5th generation, 2013) - Review Hello everyone. Mirza here with anb unboxing of the 5th generation Apple iPod touch 16GB. The iPod touch is available for $229 dollars from the...
♪ We have always thought of design as being so much more than just the way something looks. It's the whole thing. The way something actually works on so many different levels. Ultimately, of...
♪ The human ear is so unique. No two are alike. Making one headphone to fit everybody's ears would be like trying to make one pair of shoes to fit everybody's feet. I mean,...
Not nobility and far from the elite Got no control over changing the system in my favor The establishment hides deep inside the bureaucracy No empathy, exploits the situation What goes down with him...

