Hello, My name is Andrew Quitmeyer, And I am here to tell you about, and develop interest in, an idea, that I would like to call, Semi-Automatic Filmmaking. This is a free, open source system aimed at...
sooo, I started the Gangster Pirate crew a few years ago umm.. I just felt that there were some of us who weren't excepted by society sooo, its now a group that welcomes each other and I just...
students you will have twenty minutes to complete this part of your exams starting the were the and been the but your phone number and a lot lately pass alarm so you must not known he wants very...
First fatal mugging I've seen in years. She's so young. It's not safe to be alone ... ... not even out here in the sticks. What is this? It looks old. - If we're lucky,...
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Warning: This video contains weird angles and amateurism Hi! My name is Daniƫlle and I'm 20 years old I'm studying journalism in Holland because that's where I'm from...



Today, I'll show you the best workflow for DSLR footage. First, you need a DSLR camera like my canon 550d and a standard canon lens. I also use After Effects CS5 for all the nessessary steps...
Ok. You have two attempts. If you fail both, you can go back to your cell. Get to the finish, and you're in the elites. Ok. Start the test. That was harder than I thought. Unlucky, you have...
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