This is a safety message brought to you by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Thousands of people die every year from drunk driving. That’s why cops are on the lookout. And that’s...
Reckless driving in Virginia is a number of different things. There's a basic statute, a reckless driving in general statute, which talks in very broad definitions of what reckless driving is....
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Kotor from road going up to Mt Lovcen by TravelPod member ardnopes View from road going up to Mt Lovcen by TravelPod member ardnopes Kotor from road going up to Mt Lovcen by TravelPod member ardnopes...
Channel-01 2011-04-13 06:19:21 Speed = 0.0 Km/h Channel-01 2011-04-13 06:19:22 Speed = 0.0 Km/h Channel-01 2011-04-13 06:19:23 Speed = 0.0 Km/h Channel-01 2011-04-13 06:19:24 Speed = 0.0 Km/h...
I'm after passing my driving test But I'm letting on to the ould fella that I failed. He's gonna go fuckin' beserk. Well garsun, how did you get on? Well how are you?...
My name's Dustin Harden, I drive for Hunt transportation, and I started driving trucks for them in June of 2010. If you're thinking about making the switch to Flatbed, what I can say...
My name is Gary Parsons, I've been working for Shaffer Trucking for a little over 7.5 years. I actually chose this profession 16 years ago to drive. I had my own company, in constriction. I...