You go to a bar after work one evening with a bunch of friends and you are the designated driver. During the course of the evening, your two friends decide to buy you drinks and for whatever reason,...
Hello I'm Governor Martin O'Malley and I wanted to share with you an important message. Last year in Maryland, more than one hundred and fifty people died at the hands of the drunk...
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Hello, my name is Glen Neeley. I am a board certified DUI Defense attorney here in Ogden, Utah. Today what I want to talk to you about is an ignition interlock device. Do I have to put one on my car?...



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If you need a DUI lawyer in GREENSBORO we can help If you have been arrested on suspicion of a DUI, it is vitally important that you have an attorney who is experienced in defending DUI cases. A DUI...
Are you in need of a Scottsdale DUI lawyer? Have you been involved in an automobile accident in Arizona while drinking alcohol? You need to maintain some specialized help then. There are many...
-I'm former DUI prosecutor Neil Shouse. And I'm here with former DUI police officer Michael Scafiddi. We both are now DUI defense lawyers here at Shouse Law Group. And Mike, today, I...

