What? You didn't all forfeit? Hey you, don't toy with us! If you show off... I'm sorry! I'm sorry for your friend, I got carried away! He still cut my arm, mind you......
This will end quickly. Dad is right. He is strong, I must give it my all! Fast little girl... Here it goes! Nothing? Kamehameha! Go Pan! Great, Pan! _You won! _No! The fight has only begun. This...
Our father is asking for help, it's not like him... We've healed everyone. The public also asked for something. Many have suffered because of the light Vegetto's attack...
Dragon Ball Z: Idainaru Dragon Ball Densetsu or as it’s more commonly known Stateside, Dragon Ball Z: Legends, is the only DBZ game from the PS1 era that wasn’t published for us English-speaking...
Dragon Ball Z is probably the most successful anime ever. And with any entertainment success comes video games. Fighting games, mostly, in the case of Dragon Ball Z. But with the exception of a...
westside born dragonball z cut after agreeing to compete in sales upcoming treatment goku return to the lookout where he gave his friends have glimpse of the power regained inside the hyperbolic time...
only crock print multiple local districts come museum folks who knows this book dvd and the first you choke you don't read what the public ought pushed for the creator got really sick if you...
We've got no time for healin' cause we're feeling the call. We need the best to past the test to collect the Dragon Balls. We've got three, need four more, just...
The craziness surges toward us. This is no time for tears. I will raise my anticipations a hundred-fold, and become our party's leading man. That which you can lose yourself in will someday...
Ok, this will end quickly. Next round I got the small one, easy one too... Then... That Tronk or a Vegeta... I hope he isn't as strong as in my universe... Go Kat ! Go Kat ! These silly girls...