[gibberish] telephone! TELEPHONE! and pink and pink and pink and pink and pink and pink and pink. purple purple purple purple purple nilo: loooook. miiiine. mine mine mine. loook. look look look....
Good morning Sullivans. Welcome to a very, very special edition of SSN. Sullivans Elementary School kicked off the month of March with Read Across America, a weeklong celebration of reading,...
"Henry IV, Part 1," along with its partner, "Part 2" is Shakespeare's incredible, incredible portrayal of an entire world, an entire society, but it focuses...
Seuss: Master of Allegory, a la Shmoop. Step aside, George Orwell. No, seriously… step aside. Big Brother is coming. Heh. Gets him every time. Make way for one of the true masters of allegory… Dr....
Hello my fellow fashionistas. Today I will be your host Winston the Beautiful. Now I will demonstrate my amazing powers as a fashionista on my lovely guest Emily Ann Lee. Now are you ready Emily....
This one's for real okay. okay. For the Boys. Ready? Two households, both alike in dignity, In fair Verona, where we lay our scene, Is it Verona or Veronia? Yep. In fair Verona. From ancient...
in Green Eggs and Ham I am Sam. Sam-I-am That Sam-I-Am. That Sam-I-Am. I do not like that Sam-I-Am. Do you like green eggs and ham? I do not like them, Sam-I-Am? I do not like green eggs and ham Would...
Hi, welcome to Stratford for the last of the Hamlet MOOC video blogs. As you can see, we're standing by the statue of Hamlet that's one of four figures surrounding the Gower Memorial...
So explain this...if that's gravity...what's that? My first science magic show was in about 1997. I do a lot of programs for libraries and so this show was initially put together for...
♪♪ ♪♪ On the last day of summer, ten hours before fall, my grandfather took me out to the wall. For awhile we stood silent and finally he said, with a very sad shake of his very old head: Grandpa: As...