If you found that with adho mukha svanasana,or downward-facing dog, that this keeping this external rotation in the shoulder was difficult for you, there's another posture entirely, and...



I'm going to talk you through how to do a push-up into a side plank. This is just an exercise where you're combining different movements, the push-up movement and the plank movement....
Hi I am Carolyne Heldman for Zinnergy Yoga Studio in Denver, Colorado on behalf of Expert Village. Another common area for injury in yoga especially for beginners is wrists. One of the classic yoga...
From table pose, make sure that your hands are directly beneath your shoulders, fingers spreading wide and the wrist creases are parallel with the front edge of the mat. Then melt your heart and...
I'm Linda Black here to show you how to do a downward facing dog and transitioning into a high plank position ready for a chataranga in our next clip. So to help me with that, Debbie, Gentry,...
So Gina why don't you just move your hands up just a little bit more so that you can come to a little longer dog. Good and I'm going to show you how you can make your partner really...
What's up everyone? Welcome to the Yoga with Adriene blog. I am Adriene. Today, we are talking about yoga for beginners; people who want try to yoga or maybe have tried yoga it back in the...
Yoga apparel maker Lululemon is turning up the heat in its front office. One high-profile player in, and two heading out. The company announced on its website Monday that its chairman and founder,...
Okay, so what I just taught you was the cascade pattern of juggling which, again, looks just like this. Now, there's another pattern of juggling which looks really similar to this and that is...



Now what is a stretch that we can perform to help stretch out the gastrocnemius muscle? You can stretch this muscle many different ways, such and such as in a prone position. This yoga stretch will...