Hello and Welcome to episode 4 of the "Wisdom" episodes I'd like to talk about time and clocks and calendars like "Money"... "Time"...
Hey... Morning. Hey, get over here. It's okay It's gonna be fine. Everything's going to be alright, I mean it. I promise. Besides, it's nothing some pancakes...
(phone ring) Hello? Hey Sarah, how are you? Hey Gwen, what's up? I'm at work Nice, how are the coffee trenches treating you? Sucks, always. Everyone's such a dick. But...
(rave music) Little mermaid... the priest totally had a boner. Okay, no! That was his knee! No it was not! -It was a Disney movie -The priest was a midget He was like two feet tall! I'm sorry,...
(laughs) Okay, and you two ordered pie. Finally. Coffee... and here are some napkins. Enjoy! Excuse me, Blondie? Hey... Hi, um, look, I've got a problem. You see, I ordered caffeinated and...
Since when did you smoke? It's not lit, it's just... it was. I usually don't, it's just, I mean... stress and stuff... I just had something to put in my hat. Um... So,...
Hello everyone, my name is Nilsor and welcome to my vault Today on Fallout New Vegas 101 we’re going to the Repconn Headquarters The Rocket Engineering and Production COmpaNy of Nevada or Repconn...
JDH 13: Nitya-dharma: Sambandha, Abhidheya and Prayojana Chapter Thirteen Nitya-dharma: Sambandha, Abhidheya and Prayojana Part One: Pramana, Evidence, and Prameya, Truth The next evening Vrajanatha...
0:20 Listen! Everything – your reality of God, reality of yourself, reality of Society and reality of Universe, everything is experienced by you as per the space you carry. Listen! If you carry the...