My peril is I don’t want to make every lay person think they’ve got to study the Bible as intensely as I do. That’s not their calling. It’s to be faithful in their work and to their family and their...



Brooklyn have a couple gentleman by the name of mister sparked the recently had an interview with Business Insider about some of the massive sex parties he likes to host in his friends mention now of...
you would think that Americans are so sexually active and sexually satisfied with all the sex you see in mass media and all the salacious content but data indicates that no American are really that...
well the battle is joined finally the New York Times Editorial Board agrees we have legalized bribery in the country and that the individual super PACs have become absolutely out of control after...
At the start of any run training period whether you're an experienced runner or you have uh... are just starting out the most important concept to consider is your Base Running Training period...
cookies coming this are presenting Twitter storm to Hank Thompson from T where t: comedy every check that out hank Williams I think all right here we go Dr BG asks how do you guys get all these often...
the President of Uganda is set to sign legislation that would a punishing gay people with a lifetime in prison should they be caught in any type of homosexual act or if they are %uh spreading any type...
Do fitness models have to be a certain height? No, there is no specific height limit. It isn’t a roller coaster with a minimum height to ride or work. There seems to be a standard, because fitness...
FACTS ABOUT BABIES - TRUE FACTS The Lions Ground Entertainment Group every 2.6 seconds - Don't touch anything!! (Alright Alright) I hate you. You did this to me you miserable piece of Dick...