Connolly Cup Go on Dermot Go on Dermot Now I've one more presentation to make and the man of the match is No 6 Dermot Brady I'll stop cursing sorry ! they are a bunch of great lads, we...
This is Mission Control Houston. Welcome to today's ISS Update. It is Tuesday, February 14, 2012. You're looking at a live view inside the International Space Station flight control...
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All blossoms die in the light of our new culture Find your belief in that which cannot be discovered Countless lessons lie in every fever dream A million voices asking, what does it all mean?...
Hi this is carl from and I will be showing you the contents of The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt So let's get started. Just head over to and just click...
>> Josh Byerly: NASA has a fairly innovative education program that we work with high school and junior high students with called High School Students United with NASA to Create Hardware...



This Week @NASA... 3-2-1 and liftoff... On November 26th -- at 10:02 a.m. Eastern Standard Time, NASA's Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity rover launched aboard a United Launch Alliance Atlas V...



Good morning and welcome to Mission Control Houston and the International Space Station update. We're joining the International Space Station flight control team in the space station flight...



[Background sounds] >> The next members of the International Space Station crew all believe that their 6 month mission is an important part of the work that's needed to help...

