if you see that science shows that we are surrounded by intelligent design then you have to that that intelligent design came from an intelligent beings that intelligence is showing up but...
Whether you present to a large group, a small audience or even one-on-one, there are some important things you need to know in order to command presence. The first is, how to use your eyes so you can...



Closure is about the successful ending of a relationship. All to often we put closure on somebody else. We want somebody else to do something or say something so that we can move on. And all that...



The first benefit you will get from Shamanic Attraction is finding your authentic self. Many people will tell you how to behave to attract women. However, you can’t be someone else and be yourself at...



Hey, it's Barron Cruz from Charisma Matrix. Think about the last time you had a chance to interact with your boss, a superior who's very up in your corporation or someone your...
I really find the concept of patience funny because we live in such a fast-paced society where we always on to go and and we don't have a a dynamic that supports us in being patient. So being...



So what can we learn from the speaking style of Bill Clinton? For starters, he's always conversational. You don't hear Bill Clinton yelling and screaming like this, unless it's...
I think the first thing to understand about our comfort zone is that life happens outside of our comfort zone you know our comfort zone is that little box that we live within and there's the...
Oh! We're going to knock you hard And rock your body And so OH! I don't think your ready to rock yeah yeah Are you ready to rock this tonight? Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock Do I look...



lean something there isn't a c because you know i you know i andy said that in this kinds were you mhm tutsi less tar por you guys not be used to it leaflet you're not pretty eerily...

