Teaching your dog to jump into your arms is a super cute and flashy trick. But it's also a trick that requires your dog to have really good physical ability. So you want to make sure that you...
Stella and I are going to show you how to teach your dog the trick of dance. When teaching this trick, you're going to want to have a clicker to mark when your dog's done something...
"Freeze", or "stick 'em up", as I like to call it, is definitely a crowd-pleaser. It is a behavior or trick that is a variation on what we often refer to as...
Today, we're going to work on the trick of sending your dog to a mat or a place or their bed. To do this trick, we're going to do some shaping with her and get her interested in going...
Dog Training Portland - How To Train A Puppy https://voicewww.com/dogtraining/portland.php - Dog Training Portland - How To Train A Puppy This video is to show you how to avoid making the same common...
Introducing a Scent Wheel to a Dog Step 1 Hold the Scent Vial and Lower it to the Ground in Stages. click click click click click Step 2 Place the Scent Vial in the Container and click and reward for...
When you're working with a blind dog, it's very much the same as working with a seeing dog because you can still use your voice to give a command. You can mark the behaviors, you can...
Hunting with dogs instructional videos show how you can have the trained dog you've always wanted follow the simple and fun steps of these new award-winning one-hour videos and dvds to learn...
Teach puppy to retrieve around the age of seventy days puppy is going to respond to his name it is now time to begin preschool and teach puppy to retrieve We gonna use the preschool period on day...
Hi, I'm Ty Brown, with dogbehavioronline.com. I'm here today in Riverton, Utah, teaching you how to train a dog. The topic of today's discussion is teaching you how to train...