Documentary photographer

(music) From it's beginning, the space program has given us images that are benchmarks of America's technological achievements, capturing the symbolic moments and giving us an eloquent...
Do you have one of these? Hai uno di questi? I got a little obsessed with mine. Il mio mi ha un po' ossessionata In fact I got a little obsessed with all my stuff. In verità, tutti i miei...



The President of the United States will make history today. It's not just the extraordinary nature of this presidency but that he's pushing for changes that are both dramatic and...
There's an interesting story with this. Coming back to Santa Fe after a futile day up in the Chama Valley, and I looked out the window of the car, and here was this scene. Well, this is...
They're like ghost towns. And, you can literally hear doors creaking in the wind. I mean that's how totally eerie, you know, it was to drive through them. Here's...
ERIKA LARSEN: The Sami are by tradition reindeer herders that have lived as nomads. Everything revolved around reindeer. The food, the children, the stories... everything. Herders were working so in...
Apostrophe Hello, friends. In February of this year, in Azerbaijan’s State Philharmonic Theater a very symbolic concert took place. Performed by Azerbaijan’s State Symphony Orchestra and Chorus,...
(classical orchestra music) (tribal percussion) AMY TOENSING: Something that you might not realize about Aboriginal Australia. They have the oldest, longest running culture on Earth. Sixty thousand...
This is a typical Cafe in west London. Tim comes here often to study in the morning. There is nothing better than a good cup of tea to start the day off on the right foot. A man asks if they can share...