-Christmas. -Christmas. Yeah. Christmas. Ah, the Christmas specials. A little nugget of Christmas present for the Whovians. Because the season ends and then it says "Doctor Who will be back...
Hello? The Tardis? On December the 25th the doctor returns for an holiday tradition Hello the Oswalds! Merry Christmas! I hope you made a wish But seeing old friends Is it a new body? This old thing?...
So were around about 15 issues in but what about the future of the collection? Well we already know that Eaglemoss the make it have already planned around 80 issues and 80 figurines so there's...
NARRATOR: The Doctor. He's a mysterious alien with many lives travelling through eternity in a blue box. It might not look like much, but the TARDIS is capable of going anywhere in space and...
Man, I can not understand this stretch here this avenue ... Before the viaduct has traffic After the viaduct has no traffic Why, isn't this what you call "excess vehicles,"...
(Pan the room.) Random use of candles, empty bottles, and cloth, and can you see me through this fan? (Slo-mo dove.) Creepy doll, a window, and what looks like a bathrobe, Then a dimlit shot of...
People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect. But actually, from a nonlinear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey stuff. I...
Hey Youtubers it's Charlie. Happy Doctor Who Week! So in honor the 50th Anniversary me and a bunch of my friends are doing special Doctor Who videos every day through Saturday. So today...
Shake me down Not a lot of people left around Who knows now Softly laying on the ground Not a lot of people left around In my life I have seen People walk into the sea Just to find memories Plagued by...
Day 21 To my knowledge, the war continues while I bide my time; waiting for the day that I can leave this place. Above me the skies turn to blood as starships explode and thousands die but there is...