Exfoliator for skin and lips. Make your own exfoliator for lips or skin: with honey and sugar. It is very easy. It's ready! You can use this mixture: As an lips exfoliator or as a facial...
How to find a book using a book title. From the libraries home page select "Books & more". The title of our book we are looking for is the The Razor's Edge....
OK. Today I got some blinds that I am just not getting a good rotation when I try to rotate it back this other way. Things are not lining up. Let me show you. It is a good chance of what is going on...
Every Saturday my wife takes our kids to the library and they come home with a stack books for the week. and that a good thing. Not just because its free, but because it teaches them responsibility....
Hi, my name is Laurel Halfar. >> And I'm Anna Holland. >> And we're the graduate assistants for the Center for Children's Books. [Music] Each year...
Got a stuck shower door latch here. See how it is not popping out there. A lot of times it's just a simple matter of pushing it in and pushing it over a little bit. Like so. There we go. All...
Hey everyone, Brad Swift co-founder of LOPI here. I want to give you a quick Heads UP. We’re about to attempt to NUDGE the World On Purpose in a major way. We’ll calling it: CLARITY OF PURPOSE: Don’t...
Hi everybody, joey here again and welcome back. So in today's video, I plan to tell you a story about a journey I started 7 years ago. I loved freshwater stingrays the minute I saw them. 7...
here's how to make the book box. The materials you will need are a box cutter with replaceable blades or snap off blades as you go you can snap off the blade just keep going the same way....