Lloyd International Honors College has a number of extraordinary benefits for highly talented students who come to the university Every student in the honors college in good standing has the...
In a deposition in New York, did you know there is a big difference between ‘Objection! Irrelevant’ and ‘Objection! Palpably Improper’? Would you like to learn what those differences are? Come join...



[Applause] >> >> [Applause] Carlos Ghosn: It's better always to enjoy applause before than after. >> [Laughing] SPEAKER02: Mr. Ghosn, thank you for...
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1138\cocoasubrtf510 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 ArialMT;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red38\green38\blue38;\red244\green244\blue244;}...
personnel policy for recruiting and hiring across the federal government to almost two million federal employees and close to 15 million Americans who are also looking for Federal employment....
There's a distinction between working and performing. See, everybody works to get paid. It's a function of life. We have to. But if you want someone to really perform, there needs to...
In this video I want to talk about three of the mental ray basic shading models; the mental ray materials are located in the visor here, right under “mental ray materials”. The materials are...
This morning we are going to talk about emotions and feelings. There is a section in the text called "The Two Emotions," and it says one you made and one was given you, and obviously...
[ this video contains no audio ] >>Divin: My co-op is going well >>Kelley: It has been a nice experience. I'm working with 5 developers. All together, there are 3...



Alright, the next thing we want to talk about is Overcoming Ethnocentrism. And this is, this is a big problem, and this is something that we really have to work on. What is Ethnocentrism is?...